Monday, July 12, 2010

Motivational Quote of the Day

"A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future."

- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why Worrying is a Waste of Time

This past 4th of July weekend, I went golfing with my boyfriend. I had not been golfing in a while and we did not go to the driving range beforehand. I just decided to get out on the course and play. Well - the first two holes were pretty bad for me. It looked like I had never played a round of golf before in my life!

I felt anxious to play well and the harder I tried and the more I thought about it, the worse I did! I felt enraged inside that I could not hit a decent shot and I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier with each failed shot I took.

After the second hole, my boyfriend - who was not having fun due to my horrendous showing - decided we should take a break and regroup. We sat on a bench and let another group play through for about 10 minutes. I got a drink, let myself relax for a little bit and we started again on the third hole.

From that point on I played much better and started having fun. The ironic part about this was that once I actualy did relax, I didn't even have to think when I was hitting the ball. The more relaxed I was with my swing the better my hits became. It felt effortless to hit a good shot.

I began thinking about how easy it seemed right then and also about how hard it was on the first two holes no matter how hard I tried. It made me think about how silly it was that I was putting so much pressure on myself to hit a great shot, but then when I relaxed I actually did hit a great shot.

In that moment I had an epiphany about golf and more importantly about life! Worrying and anxiety take you totally out of the game. You cannot think straight when you are worrying or anxious. I realized that while you should always try your hardest at whatever you are doing, overthinking things or trying too hard can actually back fire. It is best in life to try and not worry about the outcome of whatever you are doing, but to simply try your best, relax, have fun. Usually if you do those things you will get the outcome you want. If you worry though and try too hard, usually the opposite of what you actually want to happen - will.

It seems counterintuitive doesn't it? But if you look at my simple example on the golf course, it is easy to see how this method of thinking and acting can actually benefit you in most aspects of you life.

So stop worrying - relax and have fun! Things would turn out much better for all of us if we could learn how to do this and we would all enjoy our lives so much more in the process! Worrying is simply a waste of time when really there is so much fun to be had instead!

Motivational Quote of the Day

"Training is the opposite of hoping"

- Nike

Friday, July 2, 2010

10 Useful Tips for Interviewing

1) Arrive 10-15 minutes early. You do not want to make a bad first impression by arriving late for an interview.

2) Look presentable. Always wear a suit.

3) Start with a solid resume.

4) Know what is on your resume and be able to speak in specifics about your experience including examples of what you have done.

5) Be confident. Even when you are being asked tough questions do not let the interviewers rattle you. Stay confident and answer the questions as best you can. You are there for a reason. If you did not have something they like then you would not be there in the first place.

6) Sell yourself. No one else is going to believe in you unless you believe in yourself first. Let the interviewers know what they will gain by hiring.

7) Know your strengths and weaknesses. It is common to be asked what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses.

8) Have an idea of what your career goals are. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? in 10 years? These are common interviewing questions and it is useful for you to know this for your own goal accomplishments anyway.

9) Ask intelligent questions that show your passion and interest in the position.

10) Always send a thank you note to the interviewers stating your appreciation for their time and restate your skills and interest in the position.

There are many questions you could be asked in an interview. However, if you consider at least these 10 tips before going on an interview you are at least starting with a solid foundation. Starting off on the wrong foot can sway the entire interview the wrong way, so make sure you have the basics covered for your own comfort and success!

Motivational Quote of the Day

"As for accomplishments, I just did what I had to do as things came along."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, July 1, 2010


This week I had a three hour interview for a financial analyst position with a very famous company. During the three hour period, I had to meet with four different sets of people for 45 minutes each.

When I graduated from college I was going on interviews frequently and I got quite good at them. I have been on a few recently as well, but this interview process was unlike anything I had ever gone on before. The thing I forgot was that during interviews you need to continually sell yourself. Even when the interviewers may not believe in you, or might be giving you a hard time, you need to keep believing in yourself.

By the end of this particular interviewing process though I felt worn out and unsure if I could even do the job. This was my own self doubt taking over.

Part of the issue at hand was that I would be moving from the Government sector to the Private sector. It seemed like this private firm had some reservations about the differences in work load and pace between the two sectors. I assured the team of people that my 6 years of experience working on the Governor's Budget was not the stereotypical "state" job where people are leaving at 3:30 everyday and just doing the bare minimum. However, I do not know if they really believed me or understood how hard I had worked. It was very frustrating to sit there and tell these people how much I had done, and for them to keep telling me how fast paced and tough their work environment was, like I was a baby. They did not even know me!

The interviewer even asked me my college G.P.A., after having over 6 years of actual work experience. It was as if she was just looking for reasons not to hire me.

The lesson I learned through all of this is, you really cannot listen to other people and let them bring you down. I know if I was given this job, that I could do it just as well as anyone else, maybe even better. I was starting to feel down because of the doubts this woman and her team had about me, but I know they are not true. In the end, interviewing is like anything else, you need to keep your confidence about you and continue to persevere even when people are telling you, you can't do it.

When I think about Britney Spears, or Jennifer Lopez, or any other big star that has made it in Hollywood, you always hear about how many people tell them "no" before they actually make it. Just because one person doesn't hire you or doesn't think you can do the job, does not mean that they are right. Interviewing, job hunting, and pretty much life in general are all about perseverance in the face of doubt and scrutiny. If you can overcome these things and keep plugging away at your goals and beliefs, it is bound to work out at some point. And even if you do not get exactly what you want from your dedication, I would bet you that you will get something pretty close or maybe even better than you could have imagined for yourself.

So in the end, I do not know if I would even want to work for these people that are putting me down before I have even been hired. If they are doing this now, what do they do when you are actually working for them? Everything in life happens for a reason, and if I do not get this job I am going to look at it as a blessing that I will not be surrounded by such negative people. It is their loss and I will be great - even without them!

Motivational Quote of the Day

"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."

- Maya Angelou

Monday, June 21, 2010

Motivational Quote of the Day

"Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response."

- Mildred Barthel

Friday, June 18, 2010

Motivational Quote of the Day

"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be"

-Abe Lincoln

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Being Happy is Contagious

Have you ever found that simply deciding to change your attitude, outlook, or thoughts can go a long way? Before I started my blog, I literally wanted to cry every Sunday night and every morning before work. The thought of going to a place I hate every single day made me feel sick and my attitude reflected my unhappiness. I would complain to myself and to others about how much I hated my job and everything about it - even the people! I know this came across in the work I did as well - I was definitely not working up to my potential.

Now, I still do not like my job - I am not going to lie about that! But what I will say is - ever since I decided to take control over my life and make myself happy - work has seemed a little bit better and I am getting more done. Just knowing that I have other things I am working on outside of my job - has made me have a greater sense of freedom and accomplishment. I know that I am doing things to eventually get myself out of the position I am currently in and into one where I want to be.

The menial tasks I have to do at work now just don't seem so bad because I have decided to not let this job bring me down. I also do not mind taking orders from my boss at the moment, because I know I have control over other aspects of my life that he has no part in. (Thank God!)

It is easy to get down when your life seems so routine and you have so many obligations to fulfill - without any control over it or time for you. That is why everyone needs to learn to take time and do things for themselves. Everybody needs to feel good about something!

I think growing up - especially for women - we are taught that thinking of ourselves is selfish. I have actually had to learn as I've grown older, to put myself first at certain times. Every time I neglect myself, whether it be lack of sleep, relaxation, exercise, nutrition, etc. I feel worse about myself and my confidence declines. Oftentimes when I am feeling bad - if I think about why - it is because I have failed to do anything for myself recently and my life is out of balance. Knowing when you need "me" time will allow you to make more rational decisions in general and will make you more useful to others when you are needed.

When I look back to my childhood and think about my mother - she was often worn out and in a bad mood. I now can see that it was because she never knew how to put herself first and make herself happy. My mother would have been a better wife and mother if she knew how to do that. But she was constantly at the mercy of other people and even now I think she is resentful that she never did what she wanted to do. Even in her 60's, my mother still does not do what she wants to do and she is not content with her life. All she does is complain about what she does not have, instead of looking at what she does have. Because she does not know how to put herself first - she does not get the respect she deserves from others. If you do not know how to respect and take care of your own happiness without worrying about what other people think, how is anyone else going to treat you any differently? You cannot please everyone - and in the end you only have to live with yourself!

This is why actually deciding to be happy is so important. If you focus on your own happiness and accomplishments - it will bleed over into everything you do and it really does make you a better person - whether it be as a friend, family member, wife, mother, husband, father, employee, boss, etc. And others will see how much you love and respect yourself and they will treat you in the same manner. Happiness really is contagious!

So what are you waiting for? Make a decision to be happy and do things for you today! We all have one life to live - so make the most of it.

Motivational Quote of the Day

I decided I am going to post a daily quote on my blog - happy, motivational quotes.

Today's quote is common and quite simple, but every time I hear it I think to myself "that is so true!"

Quote of the Day:

"Life is too short to be anything but happy!"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Easy Ways to Save Money

As part of my life makeover, I am trying to get my finances in the best shape possible. Previously, I NEVER used coupons! One day I was talking with a friend of mine who has an obscene amount of money saved for a 28 year old woman and I almost fell off my chair! She uses coupons for EVERYTHING! Rebates, coupons, free samples - you name it - she does whatever she can to save money. And she is not afraid to speak up and ask for discount if one is not being offered! Just the act of asking goes a lot further than one might expect. I've seen her go into a bar that was charging a $10 cover and get them down to $5 for her only. She is always looking to save a buck! And her savings account definitely reflects her efforts.

Anyways - after talking with my friend - I decided I would try her methods. One way my friend saves money is by going on This site alerts you to coupons, online discounts, rebate offers, and free samples. I have received tons of shampoo/conditioner free samples from reviewing this site. I have also gotten moisturizer samples and dish washer detergent samples, etc. Just getting a few free samples a month can help you save and it can be fun to try new products.

I use coupons as much as I can now. I never buy toothpaste, deodorant, razors, shaving gel, shampoo/conditioner, soap, toilet paper, paper towels, sponges, yogurt, microwave meals etc. - without a coupon! When I think about how much I used to pay for Venus razor blades - I cannot believe how I was being ripped off! There are coupons for these items in almost every Sunday paper and if you cannot find them in the paper you can find some type of coupon online.

While it might seem like a pain to take the time to cut coupons - it is like free money that you are giving up by not doing so. In my opinion not using coupons is stupidity - and I was blind to this for a long time!

I recommend that everyone take a look at what they are spending on and ask yourself - is there a way I can save on this item? Many times you can save double if an item is on sale and you also use a coupon. It is really easy and so many of us do not take advantage of the things that are right at our finger tips!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I have been a very athletic and active person for my entire life. I played soccer from the 4th grade through college. After college, I wanted to remain active so I kept going to the gym and lifting weights.

However, the problem became, I work at a Budget Analyst - meaning I sit at a desk for long hours. I started to develop seriously tightness and backpain from the combination of lifting weights and sitting at a desk all day. I think sitting at a desk all day alone probably makes most people stiff and sore.

The pain for me eventually got so intense that I knew I had to do something about it. I had heard about pilates before, but I really did not know much about it. I decided to give it a try.

I have now been doing pilates for about a year. Not just pilates on a mat, this is at a real pilates studio with reformers and towers (traditional pilates equipment). There has been nothing that has made me feel better than pilates.

Pilates targets the muscles in your core, shoulder gurdle, inner thighs, and other hard to target places. It strengthens muscles that you rarely use or do not use in the proper way. Pilates has helped me with relaxations, posture, back and neck pain, muscle tightness and strength. I would recommend pilates to anyone.

The great thing about pilates too is that there is a philosophy behind it that you can practice in your everyday life. It teaches you to be aware of your posture and everyday movements so that you feel better and prevent injury. There are people that throw out their backs just by bending over the wrong way. Pilates teaches you that just by simply staying aware of your body and the way in which you are sitting, walking, bending, standing and moving can prevent pain and injury in ways that you never realized.

Try pilates and let me know what you think. It's really not easy but believe me it is worth it! Every time I come out of the pilates studio I feel better. For the men out there I would compare it to golf. When I golf I cannot think of anything else because I am concentrating so hard on my game. Pilates is the same way. You cannot worry about your outside stresses from life while you are doing pilates, you are forced just to focus on you! And who doesn't need more time for themselves?!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Importance of Setting Goals and Following Through

We grow up going to school, exceling from grade to grade: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College, Graduate School etc. But at some point, all of a sudden you are set out into the "real world", without guidance, without structure, without direction. You are like a fish out of water.

I recently realized that this transition was a big part of the reason why I felt so unhappy and dissatisfied in my adult life. I was no longer working toward anything, there was no next grade or school to graduate to. I was a working woman, but I did not know where I was going or what I wanted. This lack of direction and accomplishment made me miserable. So I decided to stop floating along in my life and take action and control over my happiness!

Setting Goals

I decided to write down a list of goals. I once read that you are far more likely to accomplish your goals if you write them down.

Other tips include:
  • Assigning timeframes for your goals;
  • Setting short-term, mid-term, and long term goals; and
  • Setting checks for what you have accomplished and still want to accomplish.

My list has a variety of things on it. Some of my goals are quite simple such as make guacamole, while others are more time consuming and complex such as study for the GMAT's.

The point is - I always think about doing things - but for some reason I have trouble following through. Since I have been writing things down in a list and checking off my accomplishments as I go - I feel much more accomplished in my life!

As human's I think we get bored if we are not working toward anything. When we stop bettering ourselves and stop learning new things, we lose confidence, we lose momentum, and we lose power over our own happiness. Setting goals will help to keep our lives going the way we want them to. It has definitely helped me find passion in my life again and it's keeping me busy in positive ways! So write down your goals and see what can happen - I believe it can change your life!

How to Make Money Online

"Cash Crate" and Referrals

"" is a website anyone can join to make extra money from home. I have been a member for about two years now. The objective of "" is to fill out online applications and surveys for different goods and services in return for money. This is a legitimate site and I have actually received a check from them and cashed it with no problems!

Some of the options are 100% free, but you tend to make more money from the options that require you to sign up for a trial subscription. You just need to make sure you remember to cancel your subscription before you start to owe a member fee. It is also a good idea to write down what trial subscriptions you do join so that remembering what to cancel is easier.

The best way to make money on "" though is through referring people to the site. My referral URL is:

Getting referrals is the easiest way to gain extra money faster than filling out surveys and applications that do not pay as well and may take more time.

So check out "" for extra income when you have time! Let me know what you think?! Making money from home is not as easy as it seems, but there are definitely options and "" is just one of the many.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Why to Start a Blog

When I first graduated from college with a Finance degree I did not really know what I wanted to do. I applied to a number of different jobs and I eventually ended up working as a Budget Analyst for a State Government Agency. At the time, I just wanted a job - any job. I was simply excited to be getting a pay check after my broke college days. For a while I was content with working a 40 hour work week at a job that I was not all that passionate about. I thought it was what I had to do as an adult to make a living.

After about 2 years at my first job though, it started getting difficult to get out of bed in the morning. So, I found a new job at the same organization I was currently at doing a different function. This next job was a lot more work than my first job, but I welcomed the challenged and the change. Again though, after about two years, I started feeling burnt out. I was working really hard, but I was not really making any more money. Also, I was still not doing something that I enjoyed.

I was not really looking for a new job when a co-worker sent me a posting for a Senior Budget Analyst position - a promotion at another government agency. I immediately sent in my resume. I ended up getting the job and a $12,000 raise. I needed the extra money and so I accepted the position.

I have been at my new job for only 6 months and I know this is another bad fit for me. I like this job the least of any of the 3 jobs I have worked at in the past 6 years of my career. I finally realize I cannot continue on the path I am on. That is why I started a Blog.

It's ironic to me that I have a Finance degree and that I became a Budget Analyst because I hate math!

I love to write. I love people and socializing. I love to be active and instead I sit in a cubicle all day crunching numbers! These are decisions that are hard to really understand when you are choosing a major for college at 18 years old. Now that I am 28 I look back and realize I did not choose the right career path for myself. I leave work feeling exhausted everyday and with my back in pain from sitting at a desk for 8 hours straight.

I know there are millions of other people out there that probably feel the same way. So stick with me on the road to happiness. Start a blog too! There are so many ways to earn money, make contacts, and find self satisfaction through a blogging - that a 9-5 job could never provide. I have made a promise to myself that I would turn things around and create the life that I always wanted and that I always saw for myself. I hope my experiences and road to change will help you find self satisfaction and the will to change your life too.