Thursday, June 17, 2010

Being Happy is Contagious

Have you ever found that simply deciding to change your attitude, outlook, or thoughts can go a long way? Before I started my blog, I literally wanted to cry every Sunday night and every morning before work. The thought of going to a place I hate every single day made me feel sick and my attitude reflected my unhappiness. I would complain to myself and to others about how much I hated my job and everything about it - even the people! I know this came across in the work I did as well - I was definitely not working up to my potential.

Now, I still do not like my job - I am not going to lie about that! But what I will say is - ever since I decided to take control over my life and make myself happy - work has seemed a little bit better and I am getting more done. Just knowing that I have other things I am working on outside of my job - has made me have a greater sense of freedom and accomplishment. I know that I am doing things to eventually get myself out of the position I am currently in and into one where I want to be.

The menial tasks I have to do at work now just don't seem so bad because I have decided to not let this job bring me down. I also do not mind taking orders from my boss at the moment, because I know I have control over other aspects of my life that he has no part in. (Thank God!)

It is easy to get down when your life seems so routine and you have so many obligations to fulfill - without any control over it or time for you. That is why everyone needs to learn to take time and do things for themselves. Everybody needs to feel good about something!

I think growing up - especially for women - we are taught that thinking of ourselves is selfish. I have actually had to learn as I've grown older, to put myself first at certain times. Every time I neglect myself, whether it be lack of sleep, relaxation, exercise, nutrition, etc. I feel worse about myself and my confidence declines. Oftentimes when I am feeling bad - if I think about why - it is because I have failed to do anything for myself recently and my life is out of balance. Knowing when you need "me" time will allow you to make more rational decisions in general and will make you more useful to others when you are needed.

When I look back to my childhood and think about my mother - she was often worn out and in a bad mood. I now can see that it was because she never knew how to put herself first and make herself happy. My mother would have been a better wife and mother if she knew how to do that. But she was constantly at the mercy of other people and even now I think she is resentful that she never did what she wanted to do. Even in her 60's, my mother still does not do what she wants to do and she is not content with her life. All she does is complain about what she does not have, instead of looking at what she does have. Because she does not know how to put herself first - she does not get the respect she deserves from others. If you do not know how to respect and take care of your own happiness without worrying about what other people think, how is anyone else going to treat you any differently? You cannot please everyone - and in the end you only have to live with yourself!

This is why actually deciding to be happy is so important. If you focus on your own happiness and accomplishments - it will bleed over into everything you do and it really does make you a better person - whether it be as a friend, family member, wife, mother, husband, father, employee, boss, etc. And others will see how much you love and respect yourself and they will treat you in the same manner. Happiness really is contagious!

So what are you waiting for? Make a decision to be happy and do things for you today! We all have one life to live - so make the most of it.

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